SEND Local Offer
Information on local services and support available for children & young people (0 to 25) with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
Welcome to Hartlepool Borough Council's Local Offer of Information.
We have brought together useful information for children, young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) and their families.
Here you can find information, advice and guidance about the type of services and support for you in your local area and further afield.
We have worked with our Parent Carer Forum (1Hart, 1Mind, 1Future) and other agencies to develop our offer.
For more information, please contact a Family Hub Navigator on 01429 292444
Hartlepool Holiday Fun
Booking is now open for Hartlepool Holiday Fun – a project run by Hartlepool Borough Council in partnership with different organisations across the town and funded by the Department for Education – which provides activities for children and young people over the main school holidays throughout the year. As well as having a fantastic time they also get a tasty meal too.

General Information
Children's Disability Register
Please contact if you have any queries.
You Said, We Did Feedback Reports
At Hartlepool Local Offer we value your feedback. We continually strive to ensure your feedback is acted upon. The feedback report on this page outlines the feedback we have received and responses to our actions
There may be times when you are unhappy about the services you receive either from the local authority, education or the health sector.
Within the local authority there are 3 main categories:
Hartlepool schools will have their own individual policy for dealing with complaints in relation to the issues you are unhappy about in school. To access these policies you will need to go to the school website in question.
With regards to Health, the areas include:
- NHS Services
- Your local Healthwatch,
- Patient Advice and Liaison Services
- Hartlepool and Stockton Clinical Commissioning Group
Discover our SEND Local Offer
You can see all our SEND Local Offer information by viewing or downloading the booklet.
The booklet covers information for Early Years 0 to 5, Primary 6-11, Secondary 12-16 and Moving On 17-25.
Register with us
Fill out the regsitration form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying.

Register with us
Fill out the form below for updates on our in person and virtual classes and other types of support relevant to you! Please download and read the Consent Form before applying.